Outdoor Advertising Regulation in Tallahassee, FL
Outdoor Advertising is a significant part of Florida’s economy, and plays an important role in providing information to the public. Billboards along Florida’s major State and Federal highways are carefully regulated by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Many local governments have also become active in regulating billboards. Due to these increased regulating schemes there is an ever-increasing need to be aware of the technicalities of the law. Whether a company seeks to create a new billboard or to retain an existing one, state and local requirements impose comprehensive regulations on the erection and maintenance of billboards.
FDOT refers to its billboard regulations as outdoor advertising regulations or ODA regulations. Chapter 479, Florida Statutes, allows local governments to maintain their own regulations, in addition to the FDOT ODA regulations, so that a billboard company may be required to comply with two sets of overlapping regulations.